Monthly Archives: January 2015
In Jesus’ Name: John 14:13-14
Introduction 1. Whatever you ask 2. In My name 3. I will do Conclusion John 14:13-14
Beyond the Symbol: Zechariah 3:6-10
Introduction 1. The present need for a faithful High Priest (v.6-7) 2. The future work of the divine High Priest (v.8-10) Conclusion Zechariah 3:6-10
Petition and Christ’s Return: Luke 18:1-8
Introduction The particulars of the parable (vv. 2-6) The promise of the parable (vv. 7, 8a) The purpose of the parable (vv. 1, 8b) Conclusion Luke 18:1-8
Posted in Audio, Luke, Petitionary Prayer, Sunday PM
Tagged evening, Petitionary Prayer, sermon, Sunday
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Our Day in Court: Zechariah 3:1-5
Introduction The defendant The judge The prosecutor The crime The evidence The penalty The advocate The verdict Conclusion Zechariah 3:1-5
How Much More: Luke 11:5-13
Introduction The contrast regarding petition (vv. 5-8) The commands regarding petition (vv. 9, 10) The comparison regarding petition (vv. 11-13) Conclusion Luke 11:5-13
Posted in Audio, Luke, Petitionary Prayer, Sunday PM
Tagged evening, Luke, Petitionary Prayer, sermon, Sunday
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