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Category Archives: Sunday AM
The Sign of Jonah: Luke 11:29-36
Introduction The sufficient sign (vv. 29, 30) The sufficient response (vv. 31-36) Pursue Christ’s wisdom (v. 31) Repent at Christ’s preaching (v. 32) Live in Christ’s light (vv. 33-36)
Testing Python
Posted in Acts, Audio, Sunday AM
Tagged acts, baptism, baptize, cleanse, conscience, draw, Holy Spirit, misery, mourn, pride, purify, regeneration, sinner, submission, submit
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Ehud and the Fat Man: Judges 3:15-30
Introduction Explanation Harmonization Application Conclusion
The Nightmare Begins: Judges 3:7-13
Introdcution Explanantion Harmonization Application Conlcusion
Posted in Audio, Judges, Sunday AM
Tagged Amalekites, Ammonites, Caananites, Caleb, Israelites, Moabites, Othniel, war
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Tested By God: Judges 2:20-3:6
Introduction Explanation Application Conclusion
Posted in Audio, Judges, Sunday AM
Tagged false gods, God, Israel, Judges, temptations, testing
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Another Generation: Judges 2:10-19
Introduction 1. Explanation 2. Harmonization 3. Application
Warning and Weeping: Judges 2:1-9
Introduction 1. Explanation 2. Harmonization 3. Application
Posted in Audio, Judges, Sunday AM
Tagged destruction, discipline, joy, Judges, peace, repentance, reproof, thankfulness
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Living With the Cannaanites: Judges 1:22-36
Introduction 1. Explanation 2. Harmonization 3. Application