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Category Archives: Sunday AM
Awesome Things at Your Right Hand: Psalm 45
Introduction The King (vv. 1-9) The Queen (vv. 10-15) The Glory of the Future (vv. 16, 17) Conclusion Psalm 45
Posted in Audio, Guest Speaker, Sunday AM
Tagged femininity, future kingdom, masculinity, morning, Psalm 45, sermon, Sunday
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Bottom Rail’s On Top: Zechariah 2:1-9
Introduction A reversal in Jerusalem’s condition (vv. 1-5) A reversal in the status of the Jews (vv. 6-9) Conclusion Zechariah 2:1-9
Comfort for the Disciplined, Part 2: Zechariah 1:16-21
Introduction 1. The comforting words of future prosperity (v16-17) 2. Confirmation of the comforting words 9v.18-21) Conclusion Zechariah 1:16-21
Comfort for the Discipline: Zechariah 1:12-15
Introduction 1. The intercession (v.12) 2. The comforting answer (v.13-15) Conclusion Zechariah 1:12-15
All Quiet on the Gentile Front: Zechariah 1:7-11
Introduction 1. The elements of the vision. 2. The significance of the vision. Conclusion Zechariah 1:7-11
When All Else Fails: 2 Timothy 4:16-18
Introduction 1. All else will fail (v.16) 2. We have a Lord for such times (vv.17-18) Conclusion 2 Timothy 4:16-18
The Helpful and the Harmful: 2 Timothy 4:13-15, 19-22
Introduction I. The harmful (vv. 14, 15) II. The helpful (vv. 13, 19-22) Conclusion 2 Timothy 4:13-15,19-22
The Useful and the Useless: 2 Timothy 4:9-12
Introduction I. The useless II. The useful Conclusion 2 Timothy 4:9-12
Worshiping the True and Living God: John 4:7-26
Guest speaker: Tim Taylor John 4:7-26
Posted in Audio, Guest Speaker, Sunday AM
Tagged morning, sermon, Sunday, Tim Taylor
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The Lord Restores: Job 42:10-17
Introduction I. Relationships (vv. 10a, 11a) II. Possessions (vv. 10b, 11b-12) III. Children (vv. 13-15) IV. Health and long life (vv. 16-17) Conclusion Job 42:10-17