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Category Archives: Sunday PM
Within Our Sphere: 2 Corinthians 10:13-18
Introduction 1. God apportions a sphere 2. Two abuses of our sphere 3. Staying within our sphere 4. Commending regarding our sphere
Posted in 2 Corinthians, Audio, Sunday PM
Tagged abuse, apostles, apportion, commending, finishing, lanes, leadership, ministry, race, running, sphere
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Clueless Comparing: 2 Corinthians 10:7-12
Introduction 1. Comparing authority (v.7-8) 2. Comparing appearence (v.9-11) 3. Comparing standards (v.12) Conclusion
Posted in 2 Corinthians, Audio, Sunday PM
Tagged appearence, authority, divine, Jesus, measurement, standards
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The Weapons of Our Warfare: 2 Corinthians 10:1-6
Introduction 1. The weapons of the flesh (v.1-4a) 2. The weapons of divine power (v.4b-6) Conclusion
Posted in 2 Corinthians, Audio, Sunday PM
Tagged Christians, dvine, flesh, power, spirtual, warfare, weapons
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Superabundance: 2 Corinthians 9:8-15
Introduction 1. Abounding supply 2. Abounding liberality 3. Abounding results Conclusion
Posted in 2 Corinthians, Audio, Sunday PM
Tagged abundance, discernment, grace, liberality, supply
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The Giver God Loves: 2 Corinthians 9:1-7
Introduction 1. An organized giver (v.1-5) 2. A generous giver (v.5-6) 3. A cheerful giver (v.7) Conclusion
Posted in 2 Corinthians, Audio, Sunday PM
Tagged cheerful, generous, giver, giving, organized, sacrificial
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Partners in Ministry: 2 Corinthians 8:16-24
Introduction 1. Titus – a shared passion 2. An unnamed brother – a needed accountability 3. An unnamed brother – experienced in ministry Conclusion
Posted in 2 Corinthians, Audio, Sunday PM
Tagged accountability, brother, Corinthians, ministry, passion, Paul, sharing
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Finishing What We Begin: 2 Corinthians 8:6-15
Introduction 1. We must begin 2. We gain inspiration from Christ 3. We acknowledge our interdependence 4. We must finish Conclusion
Posted in 2 Corinthians, Audio, Sunday PM
Tagged Beginning, Christ, finish, inspiration, interdependence
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Gracious Giving: 2 Corinthians 8:1-5
Introduction 1. The grace of giving (v.1) 2. The example of giving (v.1) 3. The sacrifice of giving (v.2-3a) 4. The zeal of giving (v3b-5) Conclusion
Be Baptized: Acts 2:36-41
Introduction Conclusion
Godly Sorrow: 2 Corinthians 7:8-12
Introduction 1. Should be pursued 2. Is temporary 3. Produces change 4. Demonstrates salvation Conlcusion
Posted in 2 Corinthians, Audio, Sunday PM
Tagged godly, salvation, Sorrow, submission
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