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Category Archives: Sunday PM
My Redeemer Lives: Job 19:23-29
Introduction 1. Job’s desire for vindication. (v.23-24) 2. Job’s certainty of vindication. (v.25-27) 3. Job’s warning regarding his vindication. (v.29-29) Conclusion Job 19:23-29
Despised by Everyone: Job Chapters 16-17, 19:1-22
Introduction 1. The pain (Chapter 16) 2. The shame (Chapter 17) 3. The estrangement (Chapter 19) Conclusion Job 16, Job 17, Job 19
Three Strikes and Your’re Out: Job Chapter 11 and 12
Introduction 1. Zophar’s contribution (Chapter 11) 2. Job’s contribution (Chapter 12) Conclusion Job 11, Job 12
Until My Change Comes: Job 14
Introduction 1. The hopeless struggle toward death. (v.1-12) 2. The hope of change after death. (v.13-17) 3. The fading of the hope of change. (v.18-22) Conclusion
Though He Slay Me: Job Chapter 13
Introduction 1. 2. Conclusion
Posted in Audio, Job, Sunday PM
Tagged Almight, Behold, examines, God, hope, iniquities, majesty, moth-eaten, partiality, rotten, slay, stocks, unjust, vindicated
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From to Womb to Tomb: Job 10
Introduction 1. Job’s view of the womb. (v.8-12) 2. Job’s view of his doom. (v.1-7,13-17) 3. Job’s view of the tomb. (v.18-22) Conclusion
Responding to the Gospel: Acts 2:37-41
Introduction 1. The conviction of the gospel (v.37) 2. The exhortation of the gospel (v.v.38-40) 3.The response to the gospel (v.41) Conclusion
Posted in Acts, Audio, Sunday PM
Tagged acts, baptism, baptize, cleanse, conscience, draw, Holy Spirit, misery, mourn, pride, purify, regeneration, sinner, submission, submit
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Longing for an Umpire: Job 9:25-35
Introduction 1. No means for his case. (v.25-26) 2. No mercy for his case. (v.27-31) 3. No mediator for his case. (v.32-35) Conclusion
Disputing with God: Job 9:1-24
Introduction 1. God is overwhelming (v.2b-13) 2. Man is underwhelming (v.14-20a) 3. God is unjust (v.20b-24) Conclusion
Wrong and Wronger: Job 8
Introduction 1. Wrong about God’s justice. (v.1-7,20-22) 2. Wrong about man’s wisdom. (v. 8-19) Conclusion
Posted in Audio, Job, Sunday PM
Tagged affliction, Bildad, Job, no caution, no self doubt, pain, problems, righteousness, suffering, tradition
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