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Tag Archives: Christ
Chosen for What?: 1 Peter 1:1-2
Introduction 1. Elect exiles of the dispersion. 2. According to the foreknowledge of the Father. 3. In sanctification of Spirit. 4. For obedience to Jesus and sprinkling of His blood. Conclusion 1 Peter 1:1-2
Posted in 1 Peter, Audio, Sunday PM
Tagged blood, chosen, Christ, Father, foreknowledge, labor, obedience, Peter, sanctification, saved, Spirit, sprinkling
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Forgive Us Our Sins: Luke 11:3-4
Introduction 1. Give us each day our daily bread. 2. Forgive us our sins. 3. Lead us not into temptation. Conclusion Luke 11:3-4
Posted in Audio, Luke, Petitionary Prayer, Sunday PM
Tagged bread, Christ, daily, forgiveness, give, Lord's Prayer, Luke, sin, teaching, temptation
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What You Will: Mark 14:36
Introduction 1. The faithful confession 2. The fervent petition 3. The final submission Conclusion Mark 14:36
Posted in Audio, Petitionary Prayer, Sunday PM
Tagged Christ, confession, cup, glory, God, Holy Spirit, pass, petition, power, submission, will, yielding
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When All Else Fails: 2 Timothy 4:16-18
Introduction 1. All else will fail (v.16) 2. We have a Lord for such times (vv.17-18) Conclusion 2 Timothy 4:16-18
Motivations For Ministry: 2 Timothy 2:8-10
Introduction 1. Remember Jesus Christ (v.8) 2. Remember the power of God’s word (v.9) 3. Remember for whose sake you are ministering (v.10) Conclusion 2 Timothy 2:8-10
A Message Worth Suffering For, Part2: 2 Timothy 1:10-11
Introduction The appearing of Christ The death of Christ The resurrection of Christ Conclusion 2 Timothy 1:10-11
Perverted Worship: 1 Corinthians 11:20-34
Introduction 1. Specific act of worship – Lord’Supper (v.23-26) 2. Perversions of worship (v.20-22, 27-28,33) 3. The discipline of perverted worship (v.27-32, 34) Conclusion 1 Corinthians 11:20-34
Posted in 1 Corinthians, Audio, Sunday AM
Tagged 1 Corinthians, acts, blood, bread, Christ, cup, discipline, drink, eat, Lord, Paul, perversion, rememberance, worship
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Be Patient: James 5:7-11
Introduction 1. Until the coming of the Lord. (v.7) 2. Without complaining. (v.8-9) 3. Expecting an account (v.9-11) Conclusion
Posted in Audio, James, Sunday AM
Tagged aliens, body, Christ, complaining, complaints, glorified, James, kingdom, obedience, patient, resurrected, resurrection, return, risen, strangers
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An Appeal to Experience: Job 4:12-21
Introduction 1. The circumstances of the experience (v.12-16) 2. The message of the experience (v.17-21) Conclusion
Posted in Audio, Job, Sunday PM
Tagged angels, Christ, circumstances, dream, Eliphaz, experience, Holy Spirit, Job, visions
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Loving the Brethren; Proper Sacrifices: Hebrews 13:15-16
Introduction 1. A mediated sacrifice (v.15a) 2. A verbal sacrifice (v.15) 3. An active sacrifice (v.16) Conclusion