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Tag Archives: evening
Acting as Free Men: 1 Peter 2:13-17
Introduction 1. We are free (v. 16) 2. We are in subjection (v. 13-14, 17) Conclusion 1 Peter 2:13-17
A Kingdom of Priests: 1 Peter 2:9-12
Introduction 1. The identity of true Israel (v. 9a, 10) 2. The responsibility of true Israel (v. 9b, 11-12) Conclusion 1 Peter 2:9-12
A Stone of Stability or Stumbling: 1 Peter 2:4-8
Introduction 1. The Living Stone (v. 4, 6a) 2. A stone of stability (v. 5, 6b-7a) 3. A stone of stumbling (v. 7b-8) Conclusion 1 Peter 2:4-8
The Sufferings and the Glories: 1 Peter 1:10-12
Introduction The predictions (vv. 10-12a) The announcement (v. 12) 1 Peter 1:10-12
Petition and Christ’s Return: Luke 18:1-8
Introduction The particulars of the parable (vv. 2-6) The promise of the parable (vv. 7, 8a) The purpose of the parable (vv. 1, 8b) Conclusion Luke 18:1-8
Posted in Audio, Luke, Petitionary Prayer, Sunday PM
Tagged evening, Petitionary Prayer, sermon, Sunday
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How Much More: Luke 11:5-13
Introduction The contrast regarding petition (vv. 5-8) The commands regarding petition (vv. 9, 10) The comparison regarding petition (vv. 11-13) Conclusion Luke 11:5-13
Posted in Audio, Luke, Petitionary Prayer, Sunday PM
Tagged evening, Luke, Petitionary Prayer, sermon, Sunday
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Speaking to the Mountain: Mark 11:11-25
Introduction I. The contest of the mountain (vv. 11-21) II. The identity of the mountain (v. 23) III. The application of the mountain (vv. 21-25) Mark 11:11-25
He Who Believes: Mark 9:14-29
Introduction I. The irrelevance of the father’s faith (vv. 14-24) II. The relevance of Jesus’ will (vv. 23-27) III. The relevance of the disciples’ prayer (vv. 28, 29) Conclusion Mark 9:14-29
The Lord Restores: Job 42:10-17
Introduction I. Relationships (vv. 10a, 11a) II. Possessions (vv. 10b, 11b-12) III. Children (vv. 13-15) IV. Health and long life (vv. 16-17) Conclusion Job 42:10-17