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Tag Archives: evening
The Questions of God: Animate Creation: Job 38:39–39:30
Introduction Can you provide? (38:39-41, 39:26-30) Can you preserve? (39:1-4,13-18) Can you profit? (39:5-12) Can you give prowess? (39:19-25) Conclusion Job 38:39-39:30
The Questions of God: Inanimate Creation: Job 38:1-38
Introduction (vv. 1-3) Where were you at the beginning? (vv. 4-11) Where have you been since the beginning? (vv. 12-24) What have you done since the beginning? (vv. 25-38) Conclusion Job 38:1-38
God Is Exalted In Power: Job 36-37
Introduction In the affairs of men (36:1-23) In the workings of His creation (36:24-37:24) Conclusion Job 36-37
Job’s Final Defense: Job 31
Introduction Sexual integrity (vv. 1-12) Relational integrity (vv. 13-23, 29-34) Spiritual integrity (vv. 24-28) A final flourish (vv. 35-40) Conclusion Job 31
Posted in Audio, Job, Sunday PM
Tagged evening, integrity, Job, relationship, sermon, sexual purity, Sunday
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The Prosperity of the Wicked: Job 21
Introduction 1. The righteous suffer (vv. 1-6) 2. The wicked prosper (vv. 7-16) 3. God’s unexpected justice (vv. 17-34) Conclusion Job 21
Paul’s Confidence: Philemon 15-25
Introduction In Philemon’s forgiveness (vv. 18-21) In Philemon’s acceptance (vv. 15-17) In Philemon’s hospitality (vv. 22-25) Conclusion
Paul’s Appeal: Philemon 8-14, 17
Introduction An act of love (vv. 8, 9, 14) An act of intercession (vv. 10, 11, 17) An act of sacrifice (vv. 12, 13) Conclusion
Being a Yes Man: 2 Corinthians 1:17-22
Introduction The yes of ministry (vv. 17-19) Based on the yes of Christ (vv. 19, 20) Sealed by the yes of the Spirit (vv. 21, 22) Conclusion
Posted in 2 Corinthians, Audio, Sunday PM
Tagged 2 Corinthians, Amen, Christ, evening, sermon, Silvanus, Son of God, Spirit, Sunday, Timothy, vacillating, yes
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Rightful Boasting: 2 Corinthians 1:12-16
Introduction Boasting about our conduct (vv. 12, 13) Boasting about fellow believers (vv. 14-16) Conclusion
Posted in 2 Corinthians, Audio, Sunday PM
Tagged 2 Corinthians, blessing, boasting, confidence, conscience, evening, grace, Holiness, sermon, Sunday
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What To Trust In: 2 Corinthians 1:8-11
Introduction We do not trust in ourselves (vv. 8, 9a) We trust in God (vv. 9b-11)