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Tag Archives: faith
Tested for What?: 1 Peter 1:6-9
Introduction 1. The necessity of tests (v.6) 2. The focus of tests (v.7-9) 3. The result of tests (v.7b-9) Conlcusion 1 Peter 1:6-9
The Questions of God: God Himself: Job Chapter 40
Introduction 1. Will you condemn Me? (v.1-8) 2. Do you have My power? (v.9-24) Conclusion Job Chapter 40
What Produces a Thankful Heart? Part 2: 2 Timothy 1:4-5
Introduction 1. Affection for the bretheren. (v.4) 2. The faith of the bretheren. (v.5) Conclusion 2 Timothy 1:4-5
Paul’s Last Testament: 2 Timothy 1:1-2
Introduction 1. Author 2. Recipient 3. Time and Setting 4. Circumstances 5. Themes Conclusion 2 Timothy 1:1-2
The Test of Faith: Job 1:6-12
Introduction 1. The setting. (v.6) 2. The setup. (v.7-8) 3. The setting out. (v.9-11) 4. The setting of limits (v.12) Conclusion
No Greater Joy: 3 John 1-8
1. John’s prayer for his disciple (v.2) 2. John’s joy over his disciple (v.3-4) 3. John’s exhortation to his disciple (v.5-8) Conlcusion
Paul’s Commendation: Philemon 1-7
Introduction (v.1-3) 1. A man of love (v.5,7) 2. A man of faith (v.5-6) 3. A man of refreshment (v.7) Conclusion