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Tag Archives: grace
You Shall Be Holy: 1 Peter 1:13-16
Introduction 1. Fix Your Hope (v.13) 2. Become Holy (v.14-16) Conclusion 1 Peter 1:13-16
Posted in 1 Peter, Audio, Sunday PM
Tagged 1 Peter, action, false identity, future grace, grace, holy, hope, mask, Peter, removing the mask, sober
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What Produces a Thankful Heart? Part 1: 2 Timothy 1:3-5
Introduction 1. Service to God. 2. Clear Conscience. 3. Constant Prayer. Conclusion 2 Timothy 1:3-5
Posted in 2 Timothy, Audio, Sunday AM
Tagged confession, conscience, grace, guilt, heart, hopeful, letter, mature, motivations, pastor, Paul, Prayer, preparation, pride, thankful, Timothy
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Falling Into God’s Hands: Judges 20:31-48
Introduction Explanation Application Conclusion
What not to be Called: Matthew 23:1-12
Introduction 1. Do not act for show. (v.1-7) 2. Do not be called by any exalted title (v8-12) Conclusion
Tim Taylor Guest Speaker: John 1:1-5
Introduction 1. We must proclaim ________________(v.1) a. Genesis 1:1/Romans 1:20-23 2. We must proclaim ________________ (v.1-3,14) a. Matthew 16:13-18 3. We must proclaim ________________ (v.4,12) a. 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 4. We must proclaim ________________ (v.5) a. Romans 1:16-19/Matthew 28:18-20 5. … Continue reading
Sufficient Grace: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Introduction 1. Paul’s weaknesses (v.7-8) 2. Paul’s strength (v.9) 3. Paul’s conclusion (v.10) Conclusion
Posted in 2 Corinthians, Audio, Sunday PM
Tagged grace, insults, joy, mercy, perfection, persecution, sufficiency, sufficient
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Superabundance: 2 Corinthians 9:8-15
Introduction 1. Abounding supply 2. Abounding liberality 3. Abounding results Conclusion
Posted in 2 Corinthians, Audio, Sunday PM
Tagged abundance, discernment, grace, liberality, supply
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Gracious Giving: 2 Corinthians 8:1-5
Introduction 1. The grace of giving (v.1) 2. The example of giving (v.1) 3. The sacrifice of giving (v.2-3a) 4. The zeal of giving (v3b-5) Conclusion
Commendable Ministry: 2 Corinthians 6:1-5
Introduction 1. An emphasis on grace (v.1-2) 2. An avoidance of offense (v.3) 3. A willingness to sacrifice (v.4-5) Conclusion
Posted in 2 Corinthians, Audio, Sunday PM
Tagged 2 Corinthians, grace, ministry, offense, sacrifice, willingness
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Rightful Boasting: 2 Corinthians 1:12-16
Introduction Boasting about our conduct (vv. 12, 13) Boasting about fellow believers (vv. 14-16) Conclusion
Posted in 2 Corinthians, Audio, Sunday PM
Tagged 2 Corinthians, blessing, boasting, confidence, conscience, evening, grace, Holiness, sermon, Sunday
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