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Tag Archives: intercession
Paul and Intercession: Ephesians 1:1-14
Introduction 1. Related to teaching. 2. Related to thanksgiving. 3. Related to his own needs. Conclusion Ephesians 1:1-14
Posted in Audio, Petitionary Prayer, Sunday PM
Tagged intercession, needs, Paul, Prayer, teaching, thanksgiving, Truth
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Petition in Acts: Acts 1:1-8
Introduction 1. Petition in Jerusalem 2. Petition in Samaria 3. Petition to the ends of the earth Conclusion Acts 1:1-8
Posted in Audio, Petitionary Prayer, Sunday PM
Tagged corporate, earth, evangelism, gospel, intercession, Jerusalem, Paul, Peter, petition, Prayer, Samaria, Stephen
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Comfort for the Discipline: Zechariah 1:12-15
Introduction 1. The intercession (v.12) 2. The comforting answer (v.13-15) Conclusion Zechariah 1:12-15
Our Father: Luke 11:1-2
Introduction 1. Petition is learned. 2. Petition is corporate. 3. Petition is familial. Conclusion Luke 11:1-2
Posted in Audio, Luke, Petitionary Prayer, Sunday PM
Tagged Abba, children, corporate, familial, Father, intercession, Jesus, learned, Lord's Prayer, Luke, Prayer
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God is Opposed to the Proud: Job Chapter 35
Introduction 1. The proud think that they affect God (v.1-8) 2. The proud will not submit (v.9-13) 3. The proud will not wait (v.14-16) Conclusion Job Chapter 35
Posted in Audio, Job, Sunday PM
Tagged answered prayer, believer, bretheren, compassion, danger, glory, God, hatred, impatient, intercession, Nebuchadnezzar, no, praise, pride, proclamation, Truth, wait, yes
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The Greatest of All Men: Job 1:1-5
Introduction 1. In personal holiness (v.1) 2. In material prosperity (v.2-3) 3. In family faithfulness (v.4) 4. In intercession (v.5) Conclusion
Posted in Audio, Job, Sunday PM
Tagged faithfulness, Holiness, intercession, Job, prosperity, satan
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