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Tag Archives: Jesus
Loving the Bretheren; Oustide the Camp: Hebrews 13:10-14
Introduction 1. The background going outside camp (v.10-11) 2. Jesus going outside the camp (v.12) 3. Our going outside the camp (v.13-14) Conclusion
Tim Taylor Guest Speaker: John 1:1-5
Introduction 1. We must proclaim ________________(v.1) a. Genesis 1:1/Romans 1:20-23 2. We must proclaim ________________ (v.1-3,14) a. Matthew 16:13-18 3. We must proclaim ________________ (v.4,12) a. 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 4. We must proclaim ________________ (v.5) a. Romans 1:16-19/Matthew 28:18-20 5. … Continue reading
Finally Brethren: 2 Corinthians 13:11-14
Introduction The Commands (v.11-12) The Greeting (v.13) The Benediction (v.14) Conclusion
Posted in 2 Corinthians, Audio, Sunday PM
Tagged benediction, comforted, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, like minded, made complete, peace, rejoice, trinity
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David Wickiser Guest Speaker: Luke 1:67-79 Part 2
Introduction Conclusion
Posted in Audio, Guest Speaker, Sunday AM
Tagged birth, Elizabeth, Jesus, John the Baptist, Messaih, salvation, Zecharias
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David Wickiser Guest Speaker: Luke 1:67-79 Part 1
Introduction 1. Context 2. Content 3. Conclusion Synopsis
Posted in Audio, Guest Speaker, Sunday AM
Tagged Elizabeth, Jesus, John the Baptist, Messiah, salvation, Zacharias
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Clueless Comparing: 2 Corinthians 10:7-12
Introduction 1. Comparing authority (v.7-8) 2. Comparing appearence (v.9-11) 3. Comparing standards (v.12) Conclusion
Posted in 2 Corinthians, Audio, Sunday PM
Tagged appearence, authority, divine, Jesus, measurement, standards
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Show and Tell: John 20:11-23
Introduction 1. Jesus appears to Mary (v.11-18) 2. Jesus appears to His disciples 9v.19-23) Conclusion
The Final Piece: John 20:1-10
Introduction 1. The Discovery of Mary Magdalene (v.1-2) 2. The Investigation of Peter and John (v.3-7) 3. The Perception of John (v.8-10) Conclusion
Posted in Audio, John, Sunday AM
Tagged angels, Jesus, John, Mary Magdalene, Peter, resurrection, tomb
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Preparation Day: John 19:31-42
Introduction 1. For the Jews (v.31) 2. For the soldiers (v.32-37) 3. For Joseph and Nicodemus (v.38-42) Conclusion
The Crucifixion of Jesus: John 19:17-25a
Introduction 1. The casting out of Jesus (v.17) 2. The crucifixion of Jesus (v.18) 3. The characterization of Jesus (v.19-22) 4. The condition of Jesus (v.23-25a) Conclusion