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Tag Archives: sovereignty
God’s Sovereignty: 1 Samuel 2:6-10
Introduction I. Over our physical life (v. 6) II. Over our current situation (vv. 7, 8) III. Over our spiritual life (v. 9) IV. Over the course of history (v. 10) Conclusion 1 Samuel 2:6-10
Introduction to 1 Peter: 1 Peter 4:19
Introduction 1. Author 2. Origin 3. Date 4. Theme/Purpose 5. Audience Conclusion 1 Peter 4:19
The Questions of God: God Himself: Job Chapter 40
Introduction 1. Will you condemn Me? (v.1-8) 2. Do you have My power? (v.9-24) Conclusion Job Chapter 40
Job’s View of Creation: Job Chapters 25 and 26
Introduction Bildad’s view of creation (ch.25) Job’s view of Bildad’s words (26:1-4) Job’s view of creation (26:5-14) Conclusion Job 25 and Job 26
Posted in Audio, Job, Sunday PM
Tagged Bildad, creation, God, intellectual, Job, physical, sarcasm, sovereignty, suffering, world view
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Sowing and Reaping: Job 4:1-11
Introduction 1. Eliphaz discerns the need for counsel (v.1-6) 2. Eliphaz states the operative principle (v.7-11) Conclusion
The Test of Faith: Job 1:6-12
Introduction 1. The setting. (v.6) 2. The setup. (v.7-8) 3. The setting out. (v.9-11) 4. The setting of limits (v.12) Conclusion
Everything Is Under God’s Control: Judges 14:1-9
Introduction 1. Explanation 2. Application Conclusion
Posted in Audio, Judges, Sunday AM
Tagged bond-servant, counsel, God, marriage, parents, predetermined, Samson, sovereignty, submission, wisdom
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Expended for Souls: 2 Corinthians 12:11-18
Introduction 1. The principle (v.14-15a) 2. Paul living out the principle (v.11-13,17-18) 3. The response to Paul’s example (v.15b-16)
Posted in 2 Corinthians, Audio, Sunday PM
Tagged exhortation, expend, gain, love, principles, sovereignty
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