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Tag Archives: Spirit
Chosen for What?: 1 Peter 1:1-2
Introduction 1. Elect exiles of the dispersion. 2. According to the foreknowledge of the Father. 3. In sanctification of Spirit. 4. For obedience to Jesus and sprinkling of His blood. Conclusion 1 Peter 1:1-2
Posted in 1 Peter, Audio, Sunday PM
Tagged blood, chosen, Christ, Father, foreknowledge, labor, obedience, Peter, sanctification, saved, Spirit, sprinkling
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My Redeemer Lives: Job 19:23-29
Introduction 1. Job’s desire for vindication. (v.23-24) 2. Job’s certainty of vindication. (v.25-27) 3. Job’s warning regarding his vindication. (v.29-29) Conclusion Job 19:23-29
Free From Condemnation: Romans 8:1- Herb Taylor
Introduction Explanation Application Conclusion Romans 8:1
Posted in Audio, Doctrines of Grace Conference, Romans
Tagged condemnation, dead, death, free from condemnation, hostile, law, Romans, sin, Spirit, walk
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The Believer’s Advantage: John 16:5-15
Introduction (v.5-7) 1. The Spirit convicts the world (v.8-11) 2. The Spirit guides the church (v12-15) Conclusion
Being a Yes Man: 2 Corinthians 1:17-22
Introduction The yes of ministry (vv. 17-19) Based on the yes of Christ (vv. 19, 20) Sealed by the yes of the Spirit (vv. 21, 22) Conclusion
Posted in 2 Corinthians, Audio, Sunday PM
Tagged 2 Corinthians, Amen, Christ, evening, sermon, Silvanus, Son of God, Spirit, Sunday, Timothy, vacillating, yes
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